Hurricane Season Guide: Protect Your Property and Investments

Hurricane Season Guide: Protect Your Property and Investments

Hurricane Season Guide: Protect Your Property and Investments


At the Kendall Hood Collection, we know that hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to November 30, can bring some added worries—especially when it comes to your home or investment property. But don't stress! We're here to help you every step of the way. Whether you're buying, selling, or just making sure your property is hurricane-ready, we’ve got the tips, tools, and resources to keep everything safe and sound. 

Understand Your Hurricane Coverage

  • Review your homeowner’s policy ahead of time to ensure you understand your coverage in the event of a hurricane or flood.
  • Homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood damage. To be protected, you must purchase flood insurance.

Prepare Ahead of Time

  • Keep a copy of your policy number and declarations in your emergency kit.
  • Retain a list of emergency contact information for quick reference.
  • Then, prepare and make a plan.
  • Store essential supplies and documents in an airtight, easy-to-carry bag or container. Click here for a list of recommended emergency supply items.

Just Before the Storm

  • Close and secure all doors and windows.
  • Fill bathtubs with water for hygiene and cleaning after the storm.
  • Listen for the National Hurricane Center reports and follow all instructions, particularly those for evacuation.

After the Storm

  • If you lose power, unplug all electronics to prevent power surge damage once power is restored.
  • Take inventory of any damaged property or possessions. Do not dispose of any items without prior approval from your insurance claims adjuster.


As we move through hurricane season, remember that the Kendall Hood Collection is here to support you with all things real estate. We’re dedicated to helping you keep your property secure and your mind at ease. Together, we can make sure your investments are well-protected and ready for anything. Thanks for trusting us to be part of your journey—let’s keep your real estate ventures safe, successful, and stress-free!



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